Students Re-create Images Using the Graphs of Functions

April 9, 2024

Recently, the 11th-grade Advanced Placement® precalculus and mathematics 11 classes worked on a cumulative graphing assignment that tasked them with re-creating an image using the graphs of different types of functions. The 2-week long project allowed students to apply hard-earned knowledge of parent functions and their transformations in a creative and artistic manner.

Students enjoyed the project so much, they provided the following feedback. 

Dunya: “…creating a picture using a wide variety of graphs was a nice experience and I don’t regret spending about 20–25 hours as I truly enjoyed it. These 2 weeks were the best and the most productive I’ve ever spent doing [m]ath every single day.”  
Diego: “While this is no easy assignment, I can assure you it is one of the most exciting and intriguing assignments I’ve had all my life. Using math to create an image of something I’m a fan of made me want to do it all the time. I was lying on my bed, and I was only doing this. It was a great experience, and to make it even better, it helped me significantly improve my knowledge of the topic.”  

Petar: “After all, I am really proud of myself for completing this assignment. I am proud of myself for working on it every day, for putting really hard work into it. I learned a lot from it.”  

Ola: “The graphing art assignment was so far the most interesting project I have ever done in a math class. Not only does this project require the basic, classroom knowledge of parent functions and their graphs, but it also helps the students explore the applications of different functions and master the skill of graphing them.”  

Kateryna: “During this project, I began to understand what exactly I should add to the function so that I can get a needed result without trying to find it by spending a big amount of time changing different things and hoping to find what I need. Now I can clearly imagine what will happen to my graph as I change its function.”  

Bohdan: “This assignment was something new and rather fresh than anything I have ever seen throughout my mathematical school life.”  

Barbara: “Altogether I was really passionate about this project and I am going to miss working on it, even though some days it was really not fun to do. I am proud of my work and I hope that I have [fulfilled] all of the criteria. It was very exhausting sitting all that time on the project, but in the end, it was worth it.”

To view the completed projects of each student, click the corresponding links below. 
