AIS-Salzburg Now Offers AP® Calculus BC Exam Prep Elective
September 13, 2024
The College Board offers two different Advanced Placement® Calculus exams. AP® Calculus AB, which has been offered at our school for over 40 years, is equivalent to a college-level first semester calculus class and is a required prerequisite for our students to study at many different universities across Europe. The AP® Calculus BC exam includes all topics from AP® Calculus AB in addition to a selection of topics normally covered in a second semester college calculus class. New this year, students enrolled in the full-credit AP® Calculus AB course at AIS-Salzurg have the option to enroll in a half credit AP® Calculus BC Exam Prep elective course. This elective course with Mr. Lichty meets twice per week and is intended to introduce students to topics exclusive to the AP® Calculus BC exam.
The AP® Calculus BC Exam Prep elective course in combination with the AP® Precalculus course —first introduced last year by the College Board and AIS-Salzburg— provide our students with more avenues to acquire the math credentials they need to gain acceptance into the universities of their choice.
“With the introduction of AP® Precalculus last year and the AP® Calculus BC elective this year, juniors and seniors at AIS-Salzburg now have much more flexibility in choosing their math courses compared to previous years,” said Mr. Lichty (photo above), teacher of all AP® mathematics courses. “The option for juniors to choose their math classes last year has resulted in a stronger senior class this year, making AP® Calculus BC content more accessible to a greater number of students.”